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Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur: A New Modern English Translation Based on the Winchester Manuscript (Renaissance and Medieval Studies)
Dorsey Armstrong, Thomas Malory
Thrill Me: Essays on Fiction
Benjamin Percy
The Human Comedy: Selected Stories
Jordan Stump, Peter Brooks, Honoré de Balzac, Linda Asher, Carol Cosman
Breaking the Maya Code
Michael D. Coe
The Conquest of New Spain
Bernal Díaz del Castillo, John M. Cohen, J.M. Cohen
Jungle of Stone: The True Story of Two Men, Their Extraordinary Journey, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya
William S. Carlsen
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Hugh Kenner, James Joyce
Yevgeny Zamyatin, Clarence Brown
Mary Shelley, Maurice Hindle
Beauty Is a Wound
Bill Tucker And Annie Berry, Eka Kurniawan

Accelerando (Singularity)

Accelerando (Singularity) - Charles Stross Charles Stross...injects...? (I was going to say throws, but that's somehow inadequate) more ideas into one's brain per page than any four other authors. His cautionary tale, following the vicissitudes of a remarkable 21st century family, across the centuries, and through the wormholes, spawning copies of themselves, backing up their various incarnations, and all the while being manipulated by a toy A.I. An A.I. whose intelligence has evolved as far beyond the human as human intelligence has beyond the tapeworm (Stross's analogy), while playing with forces that essentially put the continued existence of the species in doubt. Stross builds incredible worlds with amazing iterations of technology. But his story comes across as fragmented, by the lapses of time, and the vast leaps in technology. There's a beginning and an end, but the middle is a bit gooey. It's quite a ride, but at the end, you're still wondering where you've been.