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Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur: A New Modern English Translation Based on the Winchester Manuscript (Renaissance and Medieval Studies)
Dorsey Armstrong, Thomas Malory
Thrill Me: Essays on Fiction
Benjamin Percy
The Human Comedy: Selected Stories
Jordan Stump, Peter Brooks, Honoré de Balzac, Linda Asher, Carol Cosman
Breaking the Maya Code
Michael D. Coe
The Conquest of New Spain
Bernal Díaz del Castillo, John M. Cohen, J.M. Cohen
Jungle of Stone: The True Story of Two Men, Their Extraordinary Journey, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya
William S. Carlsen
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Hugh Kenner, James Joyce
Yevgeny Zamyatin, Clarence Brown
Mary Shelley, Maurice Hindle
Beauty Is a Wound
Bill Tucker And Annie Berry, Eka Kurniawan

All the Ugly and Wonderful Things: A Novel

All the Ugly and Wonderful Things: A Novel - Bryn Greenwood While troubling to some, I would call this an unconventional love story. There were certainly moments that made me wince. But that's art's job isn't it? To challenge convention? If one strips away the theme that everyone objects to, what's left is a harrowing story of survival--in the aftermath of a family's implosion. This survival story was successfully accomplished by an appropriate use of all the elements of fiction: The characters were well-rounded, including those I despised; the dialogue was crisp, spare and realistic. The emplotment was multi-perspectival. Occasionally, I grumbled, wanting some other point of view at a particular time. But if one is fair, the chosen perspective was appropriate for that particular time and place. Overshadowing it all was the damaged heroine with more fortitude than ten Penelopes. She becomes the center around whom her reforged family eventually begins to coalesce: Not a cheap happy ending, more of a sigh of relief that those who survived had made it this far.